Auf entdeckte ich Kornelia Takacs, die erste mir bekannte attraktive Profi-Computerspielerin. Sie kommt aus Budapest und ist nach USA ausgewandert. Da musste ich ihr gleich ein freches Mail schreiben und Respekt zollen …
Von: Ing. Oliver Drobnik
Gesendet: Freitag, 16. Dezember 2005 09:07
An: ‘’
Betreff: Respect!
Hello Kornelia, goddess of all that is game,
the earth is trembling when you take the stage. Even my PC is afraid of you. It crashed while I was writing this e-mail for the first time.
I won’t try to suck up to you, that’s probably better left to your girlfriend.
I have the utmost RESPECT for women like you who blast into male dominated sports and recreations. It is VERY rare that they are good at them. It is even RARER that they look astonishingly beautiful and charming while pursuing their passion. (Though I don’t think black becomes you)
I’m a pilot, IT contractor and skydiver and I know about male domination in those areas. There those rare female specimens are tending towards a healthy complexion because of the physical aspects involved. Very rarely do you find ugly female skydivers. Positive preselection. A different story you see in IT and gaming: I have never before met a female gamer or IT guru who does not look like her daddy always wanted her to be a boy. You are a first! That makes you very special to me.
That’s why I find YOU fascinating. Is it because of your eastern European origins? You don’t look American to me, so I’d be happy to claim you as being a European export. If you ever need a permanent European visa …
Kind regards
Oliver Drobnik