Morgengrauen, Schwimmen, Russische Bräute

Nicht nur kommt das Frühaufstehen im erwähnten Buch als Eigenschaft von Millionären vor, sondern es war auch meine Schwimmtrainerin, die mich dazu vergattert hat. So denke ich mir, schaden wird’s mir sicher nicht, sobald ich in den Pool hüpfe bin ich sicher wach. Smile

Besonders fasziniert hat mich gleich in der Früh folgendes E-Mail (Name von der Redaktion geändert), die Schreiberin hat mein Profil auf entdeckt.

Von: Anastacia
An: Oliver Drobnik

Greetings my name is Anastacia.

I live in Russia. I saw your structure and have decided to write to you the letter with hope to receive your answer with your photo. I live in the country where a lot of violence and men with which live women cannot protect them. I search for the person with which I could feel like as behind a stone wall, for me is necessary the man which will understand me and with which I could feel like comfortably, I hope it you. I think that you will respond on my letter.


Da habe ich zur Übung gleich nett geantwortet:

Von: Oliver Drobnik
An: Anastacia
Gesendet: Donnerstag, 12. Jänner 2006 06:54
Betreff: AW: – email von user 537931 an 481383: Greetings my name is Maria.

Hello Anastacia,

I heard about Russian women trying to find a better life than they have in Russia. These women are highly praised for their beauty and that they know how to behave like a Lady. I even know of several happy marriages of EU-men with Non-EU-women so I am always delighted meeting eastern European women.

Morgengrauen, Schwimmen, Russische BräuteI feel honoured by your mail and reply hastily to your plea. This picture is quite recent, from the 31st of December, please excuse the poor quality, it’s from a mobile phone camera. Also there’s my weblog at where you can find all the pictures I have put online in the last 2 years. Use this link to see all articles with pictures:  

You might not understand anything because I write in German, but the pictures are nice anyway. Please send information about yourself including a recent picture in return.

Kind regards

Oliver Drobnik

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